Name Service
Blockchain naming standard.

Decentralized Naming
for wallets, websites, & more.

Your Blockchain Identity
Create and own your blockchain identity.  Store avatars and other profile data and use it across services.

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One Name for all of your Addresses
Use your MNS name to store all of your addresses and receive any cryptocurrency, token or NFT.  No more copy and pasting long complicated addresses.

Pioneer Web3
Build the new internet with MNS.  Create censorship-resistant decentralized websites by uploading your website to IPFS and accessing it with your MNS name.

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Secure Browsing
Add the full security benefits of being blockchain-native to traditional websites by adding the .mrx suffix.

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Getting Started
Use our Guides for Metrix Name Service.
Or search for a name now.

Extend the MNS
Use the MNS Contracts source to build on to and extend the MNS ecosystem.